素材:アクリル絵の具、紙 acrylic paint, paper
I think that animals are different from what I expected when I saw the actual animals. I don't think it's cute. I hope the colors are more vivid.
For example, a lion has a mane, but I think the image is pin-pin and triangular, but unlike it, it is hair. I think I'm only interested in the face of a lion.
I think it's more fun to draw pictures of animals than to see animals.
ikeguchiyuri 池口友理(いけぐちゆり)
1985年 三重県生まれ
2009年 京都工芸繊維大学卒業
2009年 第13回文化庁メディア芸術祭アート部門 審査委員会推薦作品
2010年 第144回日図創作図案総合展 経済産業大臣賞
2012年 第16回フラッグアート2012 in GIFU 優秀賞
2013年 個展「 I のハガキ」/ ギャラリーBAZARA倶楽部
2013年 マクドナルド BIG MAC AWARD ART CONTEST グランプリ
2013年 個展「絵」/ Gallery 301 due
2014年 個展「見て描く」/ Gallery 301 due
2014年 Kyoto Current 2014 / 京都市美術館別館
2015年 個展「日々の作品」/ Gallery 301
2016年 個展「絵」/ Gallery 301
2017年 個展「動物の絵」/ Gallery 301
2018年 個展「和風の絵」/ Gallery 301
2019年 個展「見て描く」/ Gallery 301
2019年 個展 「コピペ 」/ STUDIO DIFFUSE MAKE+
2020年 個展「ローファイ」/ Gallery 301
1985. Born in Mie, Japan
2009. Kyoto Institute of Technology, BA.(Architecture and Design)
2009. 13th Japan Media Arts Festival
Art Division Jury Recommended Works
2010. solo exhibition "Oshidori and T-gata ford "/ boogaloo cafe
2010. 144th Japan Designers Association Exhibition
Minister Prize of Economic,Trade and Industry
2011. 15th FLAG-ART Exhibition 2011 in GIFU
Mayor Prize of Gifu city
2011. 146th Japan Designers Association Exhibition
Chairman Prize of Japan Designers Association
2012. 16th FLAG-ART Exhibition 2012 in GIFU
Second Prize
2012. exhibition with ADACHI Akane " NIGHT "/ koen shokudo
2013. solo exhibition " postcards of I "/ Gallery BAZARA club
Grand Prix
2013. solo exhibition " E "/ Gallery 301 due
2014. solo exhibition " Drawing after Looking "/ Gallery 301 due
2015. solo exhibition " everyday works "/ Gallery 301
2015. solo exhibition " Draw pictures on Kamaboko-ita "/ galerie Mirusouko
2016. solo exhibition " E "/ Gallery 301
2017. solo exhibition " E of animals "/ Gallery 301
2018. solo exhibition " E of Japanese style "/ Gallery 301
2019. solo exhibition " Drawing after Looking "/ Gallery 301
2019. solo exhibition " copy and paste "/ STUDIO DIFFUSE MAKE+
2019. solo exhibition " Drawing after Looking "/ galerie Mirusouko
2020. solo exhibition " Lo-Fi "/ Gallery 301
My instagram account is yuriikeguchi.
Please have a look if you like.